Practice and commitment…
Practice. Practice makes perfect, yet its important to remember that practice isn’t always perfect, it is often very messy, hard and a struggle. Practice can be boring, something you don’t really want to do everyday and something that we have to force ourselves into… however, it is the only way to mastering anything. I have found combining motherhood and constant practice extremely difficult and I can’t even begin to express my admiration for those who turn up everyday to their mat, their meditation cushion, gym, what ever their personal routine is, I admire the commitment. Practice was something I wasn’t terrible at before my little boy made an appearance, I wasn’t the best, but in the main I had a routine and rhythm to my life that meant I did commit to a practice with a degree of regularity. However, trying to do that now with a little man in my life has been a huge struggle; I can go for a few days and then all I need is a few nights interrupted sleep and I fall off track! It is such a challenge yet I so want to have that commitment and rhythm back in my life… I really endeavour to meet this challenge and to reconnect with my practice and myself in order to become a better mother and practitioner. I feel such a fraud trying to tell my patients to keep up changes in their life when I can’t do the same in mine! So, meeting myself where I am today, I want to commit to a practice that will help me; help me build energy, enhance my clarity and commit to a path of deliberate practice. Here goes! XOX
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