WordPress database error: [INSERT command denied to user 'o6378650'@'infongp-uk45.clienthosting.eu' for table 'wp_options']
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Philly Gammell » Latest News

Latest News

What is coming up soon

  • When: 19th November 2014 (SOLD OUT)
  • Where: Blake’s Hotel, South Kensington
  • What: Mindfulness – How to keep sane in crazy world!
  • Please join me for an evening of complete restoration, rejuvenation and revitalisation. Move out of a stressful mind and back into finding your inner stillness. Session will run from 18.30-20.00, bespoke herbal infusions and take-away guides to self-practice will be given to attendees. Comfortable clothing recommended. Please email me here if you are interested in booking!